Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Timing Is Everything

This year I discovered that I was a “Fire Horse Woman”; I’m not one to believe in astrology, but thought it was interesting enough to research. Basically, author Janis Cortese has this to say:
“Fire Horse women are called dangerous, headstrong, and are seen as deadly to men. This may sound quaint to western ears, but the 1906 Japanese herd was subjected to poverty and starvation because they could not marry… Fire Horses are seen as outgoing, people-loving, ambitious, rebellious, and independent. They are supposedly freedom-loving and impossible to contain… While ambition and independence are prized as ingredients for success nowadays, they were never seen as ideal female qualities.”

So I guess timing is everything… Had I been born almost 100 years ago, I’d be pretty much screwed. (As a petite woman, I have to giggle to myself thinking that I could be devastating or harmful to a man in any way, shape, or form.)

Cortese continues:
“These all sound like perfectly fine qualities to the westerner, especially to Americans, since our culture prizes individualism, but in other societies, these are not necessarily good qualities. They are especially disliked in women; wives are supposed to be submissive and dependent, not ambitious or headstrong, and that belief is not uncommon in Western cultures, either.”

Therein lies the problem… Ambitious and headstrong. I’ve always been one to go after what I want and to make things happen to reach my goals. In some cases, this is not always the most prudent thing to do.

I would love to learn how to still my mind and to be accepting of what is… Compared to many folks out there, my life is great. The mistake I make is wanting more and thinking that it would be the solution to the yearning and unrest I feel inside. But, to be honest, I’ve felt this ache before and know that no good comes from it.

Unlike real horses, hinoeuma women cannot jump the fence and leave everything behind. Breathe and be still…

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