Monday, September 04, 2006

Oh yes, I have a blog...

Just to get up to speed, I'll respond to the issues I mentioned in my last post.
Here goes!!!!

"Most of this journey began January 2005. I decided to make a career change, to leave teaching for good."
Okay, I meant for a good year or so, lol. On a whim, I turned in an application with the local school district. I hadn't gotten good vibes from the few interviews I had been on already and figured what the heck. I turned in my file on a Monday and was hired on Wednesday; school started the Monday after that - July24th. (CUSD is on an extended-year schedule... Cool! We get two weeks off in the fall, winter, and spring... SWWWEEET!) I was a "late hire" as this class was just added at the last minute and I missed all of the New-to-District orientation. I'm making those classes up on evenings and weekends.

"Lucky for me, I have a great husband, the kind that Dr. Phil describes as 'providing a soft place to land'. (I must really be great in bed because I’ve yet to figure out how he puts up with my constant insecurities.)"
Generally I don't worry about what other people think about me or the decisions I make. Hubby was kind of leery about the whole thing but I pointed out one major difference. I needed to find out if teaching had burned me out or if I was the "situation" that I was in before. I've been teaching my 6th grade gifted class for over 1 month now and can honestly say that I needed a new, supportive environment. I don't cry on the drive to work anymore. :-)

"There’s a nagging feeling that I never got the chance to really prove myself."
I'm feeling challenge and success. Great professional adminstration and supportive parents. I don't even dare "wait for the other shoe to drop". It is what it is. Teaching is still lots of work, I spent the first few weeks putting in over 50 hours, but it's getting better everyday. I've found my routine, the kids are having a blast, and my family is happier too.

"My evaluations were glowing and positive."
I just got another one... finally!!!

Oh yes, one more thing... what folder???

I'll post again soon!

Mon :-)