Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Reflection on 2006

Sometimes I like to think of life as being a kid riding in the backseat of the family car. You play and squabble with your sibblings (friends, children, spouses) but you still love each other anyway. You're not sure where you'll really end up but you have faith that your Dad knows where we're going and that He'll get you there safely, not always without incident, but at least in one piece. You can choose whether or not to read a good book, start a sing-a-long, have an argument, or just stare out the window and daydream.
I think since I made the decision to "go along for the ride" things have gotten much better. In the process of trying to "re-invent" myself I learned that there wasn't anything wrong in the first place. Okay, so I've got ADD and I still could lose a few pounds, things are fine. On this journey, you choose to love and be loved, help others when they need it, play fair, complement more and complain less often...
Or could it be some of the "maturity" (HA!) of getting to 40. I really don't consider myself to be complacent. There were many times this last year or so that I struggled and felt unhappy in the pursuit of something undefineable. Backseat driving?? Once I was honest with myself and accepted myself, flaws and talents together, and decided to go with the flow, things seemed to be much more manageable.
  • Weight and other bodily issues - I've decided that healthy is good but not to obsess about a few extra pounds. I've been good and tried not to overindulge too often; cooking & baking are still passions in my life. The benefits of red wine once a day is another habit that has been easy to implement. Things will probably start falling apart in the next 10 to 15 years; that's why the yearly check-ups are tolerable. The grey hair and wrinkles are appearing but it's not as bad as I thought they would be. I have to remind myself that they are badges of honor... or of survival at the very least!
  • Happiness - Serenity now. (I miss Seinfeld!) Laugh often and work for the good of others!
  • Sex - Yes, it does get better. And BTW, the 7-year itch can lead to a more fulfilling marriage if you choose to let it!
  • Family - Can't live without them... hugging and cuddling with my girls are a must; the hubby too.
  • Work - Do what you love, do what you can. I've decided, especially in the realm of teaching, things left undone will still be there tomorrow. I've worked hard thus far but I refuse to let it consume my energy and time. I love and enjoy my students but I love my family more.
  • Image - All little girls think that their mommy is the most beautiful person in the world. What a complement! I will to live up to that title of distinction not only in appearance but through my actions!
  • Faith - It's what gives you hope... the ability to see the good in others and to expect the best from yourself in an effort to please my God and make the world a better place. Things have gotten so ugly in our world. Always give and then give a little more. You never know which acts of kindness create ripple effects and will have the greatest impact on your community and in the world.

May you enjoy many blessings this year and in the year to come!!

Peace and love,
MM :-)

1 comment:

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

How true it is in regards to life being like riding in the backseat of the car! A great reminder to keep on trusting the Driver of the car; without that faith, who knows where you'll end up? And, once we realize that WE do not have the wheel in our hands, there is a sense of serenity...
Happy New Year to you!