Thursday, January 26, 2006

Where's the Stethoscope? & The Spirit is a Movin'

Where's the Stethoscope?
I'm sad. My math boss was let go due to an "organizational restructure" this last Monday. Everyone on the reading team is freaking out even though our reading boss has reassured us that there will be plenty of work to be done until June at the earliest. C, the former math boss, went out to lunch with the former math team to pick our brains for his next move. C has more than enough offers for project management gigs but wants to be involved in K through 12 science education, a drastic career change. It reminded me that I'm still in my own state of flux; it's been less than a year since I've left teaching.
I have an interview next Tuesday for a project management-associate position with my current employer. It's kinda funny, when I read the job description it seems really great but when it comes to the actual interview or thinking about actually doing the job, I feel like I'm twelve years old again. Why am I so freaking insecure??
That's all I could think about today. C mentioned that he wanted to "follow his heart" which is indeed very noble. Half the time I'm not sure what my heart is saying. I think the thing I fear the most is the "learning curve". I want to get into corporate training but know that it will be a long road to get where I want to be. The corporate world is competitive and I feel old and tired. I'm not sure if I want to work around any more Gen Y-ers. (I just read a great article and am convinced that I now know why I don't like some of the people I work with. Yes, the 20-30'ish crowd. I grew up around Traditionalists and feel more like a Boomer than a Gen-X.) Gosh I sound like a whiny old hag!!

The Spirit is a Movin'
Okay, backtrack to my post of the female-pirate character. When I saw her image, I was transfixed. I felt the need to be as strong and sexy as she appears, my goal for age 40, January of 2007. I even have her on my desktop to keep me motivated. Well, in the process of sharing this with a friend, one of the nicer Gen-Y'ers from work pointed out that she is a character from a graphic novel called Magdalena. Looking her up, she is described as a "holy servant of the Catholic Church". Hellloooo?? McFly??? God has quite the gift of subtlety.
I've made a hundred and one excuses and have not gone to Mass since June. Maybe this is something else I should be working towards??? (I'm tempted to go out and find it. Oh great, cut to a scene of a haggard middle-aged mom in a comic shop, LMAO!)

Enough for now! Peace out!
Mon :-)

1 comment:

iamhoff said...

Good luck on the interview. I'm sure you'll do fine, and I understand what you're saying about the GenY thing. I seem to be right in the middle of my office. People my parents' age (including our CEO and my direct boss), and people 5 to 10 years younger than me. I don't feel as old as the "parents", but I certainly don't feel as young as the youngsters. It's a weird feeling. Also, I like the Pirate image...certainly a worthy goal for 40. I'm sure you'll pull it off, and yes, the Lord does work in mysterious ways...