Thursday, November 24, 2005

Losing My "Blog-ginity"

If you are reading this, you probably didn't have the usual Thanksgiving-fest family obligations. Why would anyone be up this late on a Thursday nite, with "Blind Date" in the background and previous surfs to The Killers and Morningwood? That's what I'm trying to figure out. If you know, please fill me in.
My husband works nites so we decided to postpone turkey and pumpkin pie until Sunday. It's just us and our two daughters, 3 and 5, so it's not really a big to-do. Still debating between stuffed turkey breast or "game hens". (I love to be adventureous in the kitchen but don't know if I have the energy to go that far.)
Anyway, I'm feeling old right now and wanted to bitch and whine. A friend at work was telling me about a blog that she regularly posts to and it piqued my interest. I love debate and hearing the other side; I wish I were more of a trouble maker! I figured there are people out there that will hate or agree with me. Either way, it's got to be a lot better than trying to figure out why I'm now sitting through "Access Hollywood" and letting my brain rot.
I feel so scattered. Sometimes motherhood/wifehood sucks but on the other hand, I have a great husband and wonderful kids... so why am I so bummed? That's when I decided that this is probably what "mid-life angst" feels like.
Per Thanksgiving obligation, I'll list my blessings:
I'm relatively healthy. (Aside from the recent miscarriage, month long sinus infection, and perimenopausal status, I can't complain.) I made a successful transition from teaching (a 10-year veteran) to the corporate world and managed to double my income in the process. My family and my in-laws are loving and supportive people. I have a few close friends although they are now out-of-state due to our recent relocation. Seasonal depression?? (I love my Zoloft!)
As I try to sort out this life of mine, I hope that I will meet friends along the way and possibly inspire others to look a little more closely at what's good and what's working in their own lives.
If you want to give me a quick kick in the butt, please feel free to post. If you know of other interesting blogs, mid-lifers in particular, please fill me in!

Peace and blessings!

1 comment:

k. said...

As someone who has sat through countless "access hollywood" segments, I know whereof you speak. (I have to say, they're easier to sit through when you're stoned, but I guess that's kind of beside the point). It feels good to say "enough is enough," doesn't it?

Nice that we started our blogs the same day - thanks for your comment on mine. Congratulations on geting started, now let's keep writing!!